
I use roughly the same method as you, but with a slight difference.  I 
transcribe the listing for the entire family in the Details and then attach 
that source to each member of the family.  It's the same amount of typing, and 
avoids the problem of having to create what is essentially a different source 
citation for each individual.  I also like being able to see the whole family 
group listed as a unit in the Details rather than just the information for an 
isolated individual.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy [mailto:eldestdaugh...@comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:43 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: Re: RE: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Detail was (correction re:
Show List)

Thanks Ron.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I can live with it.  I consider
myself a splitter, so if I have a source say - 1880 Federal Population
Census of Michigan (which never changes) I can select it from my Master
Source list, and use it as a specific source for (say in one case, the head
of the household), adding the county, Township, page and date to the source
detail and save it to the clip board.  I then like to paste the clipboard
source to each family member, adding the "comments/text" for each member of
the family in that given census enumeration i.e. age, gender, relationship
and occupation.  In theory, I thought the clipboard source should maintain
its integrity and not change (the blank) text/comments field I originally
pasted to it.  Oh well, I can live with it.  Thanks for your input.



I haven't. As far as I know it has always worked like this, and to be honest
I prefer it. Often when adding a comment I will wish to use it again, for
example if I use a child's birth certificate to establish the parents I will
use it for both the father and mother.

I know it is there,  so it isn't a big deal to remember that I must delete
the comment before reusing. I admit to forgetting now and again, but I
consider that to be my problem and not the program's, and I guess I would
get more annoyed by repeatably having to put something into that section
because the program has deleted it. BTW. I have always thought of  those
additional sections as part of the Detail.

I look at the the Master Source as being something which will be absolutely
the same for all users of that Master Source ie. something which will
*never* be changed whereas everything else which relates to an individual,
or only a specific number of individuals, I consider to be the Detail.

Whilst I am at it, and as an example, let's consider censuses, which
currently are the subject of another thread. I am a lumper so my Master
Source contains nothing other than (say) 1891 Census England + census
reference, with (say) Ancestry as the Repository (and it annoys me that the
Repository is no longer part of the Detail). Everything else which I wish to
include is in the Detail (including the Comments etc.). Works perfectly,
even if I have to create a new Master Source should I use Findmypast! Shame
on you Legacy <grin>.

Ron Ferguson

Completely revised and rewritten:
Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
And the Fergusons of N.W. England

Judy wrote:
> Ron~
> A question regarding your comment pertaining to copying a source, with
> specific details to the clipboard.  I have found the clipbaord useful
> for copying the source to multiple individuals, with one exception.
> After pasting the clipboard source to an individual, if I alter the
> text/comments section of the source, for a specific individual in
> his/her source screen (without altering the details of the source),
> the alteration for the specific individual is copied back to the
> clipboard (after using it twice). It is quite irritating to have the
> clipboard source automatically modified each time.  Any thoughts as
> to how to add specific text/comments for an individual WITHOUT having
> those specifics added to the clipboard?
> Thanks
> Judy
> One thing which hasn't been mention is that if a person with the
> Master Source and Detail which you require already exists, by going
> to that person in Family View Clicking the Books Icon, selecting the
> Event to which the Source applies it can all be copied onto the
> Source Clipboard by using the Copy Icon on the bottom left of that
> screen. It can then be pasted, altering the detail if required, to
> any other individual.
> Ron Ferguson

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