On 09/11/2010 02:32, Robert Runion wrote:
> Thank you gentlemen for the information.  So what are the functions
> used for in the 'Edit Master Source Definition' if not for the
> addition of anything that can be identified as 'picture', 'sound'.
> 'video', or 'File'.   Can I access a .pdf or .txt digitized document
> through the 'file' feature and have it permanently attached to a
> Master Source whereby I can associate the Master Source and it's
> digitized 'file' with any individual's events?  My take on this is
> that a digitized file once added to the Master Source stays with the
> Master Source no matter what event I may want it to be associated
> with.  Am I not reading this properly? I have a lot of work ahead of
> me and wish to get it right up front.

Dare I add another consideration to this subject?  I wonder why you are
adding so many pictures/documents/whatever to your Master Sources and
not to Source Detail.  I assume this means that you are a total
"splitter" - ie that you create a new Master Source for every piece of
evidence you have.  This really is overkill and not the way Legacy is
intended to work.

Just take a Birth Certificate as an example.  Over time you might
collect, say, 250 Birth Certificates for people in your family file.  Do
you really want 250 BC Master Sources?  Most people would create 1
Master Source for each "supplier" of Birth Certificates (in England that
might be the GRO and some local Register Offices) and then add different
Source Detail to a chosen Master for each individual BC, attaching the
scan of the BC to the Source Detail.

Now to go back to what I think is your original question.  Any sort of
picture (jpg, tiff, bmp etc) should be attached by starting from the
Multimedia tab, selecting Picture and then selecting Picture again.
This picture will be viewable within Legacy and there are very limited
editing options.

If you want to attach any sort of document (tx, pdf, doc etc) you will
go from the Multimedia tab again, selecting Picture and then selecting
File.  This time, what will appear in Legacy is an icon representing
that file and in order actually to view the contents - and edit them, if
you wish - you need to double-click on the icon in the Picture Gallery
window and the document will open in its default application.  (Clicking
on Edit in the Picture Gallery window will only allow you to edit the
Caption, Date and Description of a "file", unlike with a "picture".)

Adding a video or sound file is similar to adding a document file and
the viewing/editing options are the same.

I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Jenny M Benson

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