First, I asked a question last Spring and got promptly taken out for a couple 
of months by a lightning strike, so I didn't see any answers. Belated thanks 
though, to anyone who did.

I also have a cross platform question. I normally run two computers, an early 
Windows, for backward hardware and software compatibility, and a later one (now 
XP) dual boot with Ubuntu Linux. My wife has a Vista laptop. I run Legacy 
Deluxe on one machine and the corresponding free version is run on the laptop. 
I couldn't get both Legacy 6 and 7 to coexist under XP for transition, as they 
collided on a Registry entry, so we are still using Legacy 6 and probably won't 
change until 7.5 works fully for the general public.

I've just changed out the motherboard/CPU for the oldest machine to upgrade to 
a dual core 64 bit, installed Ubuntu 10.4 (AMD 64), and plan to also install 
that on the other desktop. For security and other reasons, I would like to quit 
Microsoft entirely, but no Linux genealogy program matches Legacy - or even 
reasonably compares.

I find Legacy 7 still won't run under Wine, though it does have a reported 
bronze rating for Crossover. Since I own my copy of XP, I could run that 
legally in a virtual box like VMware, to run Legacy 6/7 directly, in emulation 
perhaps, or physically isolated using a swappable bay IDE disk in the reserve 
machine via VNC or equivalent. Any comment, advice or relevant experience would 
be much appreciated.

Keith Britton

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