On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Kathy Meyer <kmeyer2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1-the extracted data -- that is what is being transcribed and posted on the 
> record pilot site free of charge and
> available to the general public. It is not part of the NFS 'tree' that has 
> been debated here.

I getting the sense that new family search is more or less just a
re-branding of the old FS, with the majority of the data being the
same and/or expanded extracted data with pointers to films or other
sources.  I'd like to know what Legacy is doing with this information.
 Does it pull in the extracts into your database, then create TODO's
to look up the originals.  Or, like Ancestry, it just sources
something generic like "from one or more member trees'?

> 2- the 'member trees' are what is in NFS, however...

Ah ha!  That's the bit I've been missing.  The big deal to Legacy must
be the ability to post and sync these member trees with NFS.  I can
see value in being able to keep a Legacy database in sync with an
online version too.  Mike Fry expressed some concern over control with
data pushed to NFS, meaning these member trees???  Are these concern
beyond the same old, same old concerns like Ancestry and others
selling your hard work, or is it more like you don't have control over
how much or how little you decide to share?

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