
He said he has been a user and tester sinse Legacy inception. That seems
clear he used v6.

I have been a user since v2, and their has not been the issue discussed.

Tim R.

On 3/30/2011 8:43 AM, my genealogy email wrote:
> Wm,
> Have you ever used ver. 6.0? I know that it was there at one time because I
> have used it before, if not in ver 5.0 then it was in some ver of 6.x.
> Russ Strong
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wm Voss
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] duplicate alerts
> I have used Legacy from its inception and continue to use, though a beta
> tester, version 5 for my own research. There is no such option under
> Tools>Merge nor have I ever seen that function offered in Legacy.
> Wm Voss
> On 29-Mar-11 7:31 PM, my genealogy email wrote:
>> CE,
>> That message, however, is Not the same thing as the tour suggest. AS I
>> STATED: In Legacy version 5.0 there was actually a menu item under
>> Tools>Merge>    "Duplicate Alerts" that would alert you when you typed in a
>> new name with the same name as an individual already in your file. Since I
>> have used Legacy beginning with that version I remember that it would warn
>> you if that menu item was checked and would ask you if this was the same
>> individual as so and so. The "Warning: Duplicate Found" message occurs as
>> you suggested once you are searching for duplicates, however, this was not
>> what the OP, Kris, was asking as I also found the same paragraph that he
>> was
>> referring to on their website for "Touring of Legacy 7.5" which they
>> should
>> correct that paragraph as it no longer can be done.
>> Russ Strong
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CE Wood
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] duplicate alerts
>>>  From Legacy Help:
>> Warning: Duplicate Found
>> As the current report was being built, the same person was found in more
>> than one place.  This can legitimately happen when relatives of any kind
>> marry each other...cousins for example.  It can also happen if an
>> individual
>> is linked in erroneously...such as a grandfather being linked in as a son.
>> This causes an endless relationship loop that must be corrected.
>> Legacy only warns of a duplicate after it has encountered the same
>> individual three times.  When a warning is given, you can either:
>> 1. Set the number of additional encounters by clicking the up and down
>> arrows to the right of the text box and then continue on by clicking the
>> Continue Processing... button.
>> 2. Note the individual or couple listed at the top of the warning box and
>> then click Cancel the Report to stop building the report.  You should then
>> research and fix the relationship loop problem.
>> You can also generate this report with the option to exclude duplicate
>> lines.  To do this, click the Report Options button on the menu and select
>> the Don't Repeat Duplicate Lines option on the Format tab.
>> CE
>> From: my genealogy email []
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 6:21 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] duplicate alerts
>> Kris,
>> I think that particular paragraph has not been updated since v 5.0, I
>> remember that the program used to do that and gave you the option to pick
>> from the names list so you could verify that it was a duplicate name,
>> however, that option has not been there since v 6.0, I believe!
>> Perhaps someone from Legacy could point us in the right place to have them
>> update that paragraph in the Legacy tour as the actual Legacy Help file no
>> longer has that as an option under the Tools>Merge>merge menu.
>> Russ Strong
>> From: Kris Stewart
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:34 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [LegacyUG] duplicate alerts
>> Hello All,
>> Legacy at its website
>> under "Merging" states that Legacy has an option to check for duplicates
>> when entering a new individual.   "These include Duplicate Alerts, where
>> you
>> are automatically made aware of a possible duplicate when you are entering
>> a
>> new individual"
>> In all the year I have used Legacy I have never had this option, and I
>> cant
>> find it anywhere, can anyone help?
>> Kris Stewart

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