I just installed Windows 7 64-Bit Pro on my system. I'm running Legacy Version

I have PDF files attached to individuals in their Picture Gallery.
When I try to open the file I get an error (no error code) "There is currently 
no default media player set up for your computer."

I have checked the file associations and PDFs were assoc. with Acrobat Reader. 
Just to make sure, I broke the assoc and then recreated the assoc. I even 
manually browsed to Adobe Reader's exe. No luck.

>From my browser PDFs work with no problem.
>From Windows Explorer, is I click on a PDF is opens not problem.

In Legacy I have used the Launch tab and browsed to Adobe Reader's exe and set 
the path. No luck. I reset everything to Defaults, still no luck. When I click 
"Launch", Adobe Reader opens as it should.

Any Ideas?

Moe Crosby
Crosby/Garrisons http://presidentavenue.com/tree

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