Hi again Kirsten
Thanks once again for your wonderful input.  It seems like the right
for me whilst I am travelling, and going back and forth to the library

Much appreciated.

On 10/05/2011, at 7:03 PM, Kirsten Bowman wrote:

> Gwen:
> You don't actually create a GEDCOM from your Legacy database;
> rather, there's a (free) Families Sync program that goes on your
> desktop computer and handles the transfer of data to and from your
> mobile device.  And yes, you can edit the data on your iPad but I
> don't find editing very convenient because the small fields don't
> "unpinch" the way some sites or apps will, so extensive editing
> would be (for me) fairly clumsy.  Also, the Families version doesn't
> have all of the features of Legacy on the PC.  I'd love to clean up
> my Locations list using the iPad, for example, but there's no "Show
> List" option at the Master Location List and I'm hesitant to edit
> without knowing exactly who I'm changing.  There are a few more of
> my favorite Legacy features missing as well.  Families doesn't look
> or operate *exactly* like Legacy on the PC but I still think it's a
> dandy little app and well worth the $15 even if you just want to
> carry the data with you for reference as I do.
> Kirsten
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noddie [mailto:7thw...@ihug.co.nz]
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 10:12 PM
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Families iPhnoe app
> I was also wondering about an app for the iPad 2 which I could use in
> conjunction with my Legacy family tree.
> Would I be right in saying that 'Families' could be the one I would
> use.  Would  it sync with my mac and my
> windows side where 'Legacy' is.
> I was hoping I could gedcom a file, and send it to my ipad and then be
> able to view and edit records from
> there?  The site for the software does not explain the use of it very
> well, it is only a viewer or a mobile
> user friendly program where I could transfer my data to and then
> transfer it back to my mac.
> Thanks for your time
> Gwen
> On 10/05/2011, at 4:04 PM, Kirsten Bowman wrote:
>> Joshua:
>> I have Families for iPad and believe it's much the same as the app
>> for iPhone.  I love the convenience of always having my Legacy data
>> with me but I find the fields too small to do much in the way of
>> editing (which was my initial objective).  My favorite aspect is
>> being able to surf genealogical sites from anywhere in spare minutes
>> and quickly check my Legacy file to see if "hits" have any bearing
>> on my research.  Rather than update via Families and re-import to my
>> PC I usually e-mail the data to myself and update only the on the
>> PC.  I certainly don't regret spending the $15 for the app.
>> Kirsten
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Joshua Crump [mailto:j...@joshuacrump.com]
>> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:42 PM
>> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>> Subject: [LegacyUG] Families iPhnoe app
>> Legacy User Group,
>> I am trying to decide if I want to buy the Families iPhone app and I
>> wanted to know if anyone in the group is using it and if it is worth
>> the
>> $15 they want for it.
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua Crump
>> j...@joshuacrump.com
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