I don't see any issue with phones or cameras in the courts
here.  My wife just served on a jury in Maricopa County
Superior Court, and was able to take her iPhone there.  More
than one other juror had an iPhone, and one, who happened to
be an attorney, had an iPad.  I've never had an issue with
my iPhones at the FHC in Mesa, which is the second largest
in the world.  Nor have I had a problem at the State
Archives.  Often I can use the CamScanner app, or JotNot
Pro, to photograph, and OCR documents on site.


On 5/10/2011 1:45 PM, Eliz Hanebury wrote:
> Lovely explanation really great way to view it ,<G>  I have been
> wondering if you have trouble at the library or court house or archive
> with your phone?
> Phones aren't allowed in many courts neither are cameras and most
> phones have them. We (I) need to know how to do this.
> Eliz
> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:03 PM, hwedhlor<hwedh...@cox.net>  wrote:
>>   Gwen,
>> I am running the Families app on both an iPhone 3Gs and an
>> iPad 2, and I heartily recommend it.  I was a beta for the
>> Families app when it was only available to run on the
>> iPhone.  Running it on the iPad 2 offers an even better
>> display, and easier access to features due to the larger
>> visual format.
> <SNIP>
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