
Although the following appears to be a minor problem, I thought I should bring 
it to the
group's attention to see if I am overlooking a solution.   I note it has not 
been listed
in the archives.

When producing a Multiple Line of Descendant Report within the Publishing 
Centre or as a
stand alone, the Table of Contents are incorrectly numbered.   The second page 
and those
Table of Contents pages that follow are all automatically assigned a page 
number as though
they were the last page of the whole report.    In my case each page, 2 through 
5, of the
Table of Contents were assigned page number 312.   The last page of my full 
report was

As the Table of Contents falls at the beginning of the report I was surprised 
to see it
numbered as though it fell at the end but realized the problem was more than 
that when all
the Table of Contents pages, 2 through 5, carried the same incorrect number.    
Have I
done something wrong or is this a bug?

If someone tries to duplicate this scenario please make sure your Table of 
Contents is two
or more pages.    I tried to see if this situation applied to any other type of 
report but
my line doesn't go back far enough to have at least two pages of generations 
noted in the
Table of Contents for the Ancestor or one name Descendant report.

I thank you for reading this and look forward to some guidance with regards to 
the matter.

Ken Marlow, Ottawa

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