Howdy Geoff.

Version 6 would do so each time you add them automatically. Version 7
does not do so. One would need to run 'set direct line as proffered' if
you wish it to show your relations to the person added. Depending on the
size of your database determines how long it will take. I personally
only run the tool as needed.


On 8/8/2011 1:59 AM, Geoff Poskitt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem with Legacy and would like to know if I am doing
> something wrong or if it is possibly a bug. I have Legacy set up to show
> my direct ancestors in Bold type and the relationship calculator
> running. All has been fine up until last week when I had a break through
> on my mothers ancestor line, and I was able to add another four
> generations onto the previous earliest ancestor of this line. This had
> been a dead-end for many years and certainly before I started using Legacy.
> The problem is that the newly added ancestors do not show up in bold as
> my direct line and the relationship calculator does not show their
> relationship. The last ancestor in bold is the one I always had. Legacy
> appears to recognise the respect relationships correctly otherwise.
> i.e., the newly found parents of the previous parentless dead-end are
> recognised as such.
> I have tried unlinking and relinking but nothing seems to work.
> Needless to say I am running the latest build of Legacy (Deluxe).
> Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
> Best regards,
> Geoff Poskitt

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