Are you sure you were on the right page? There are other pages with
the name "Legacy Family Tree"

Our page is at and I
don't see anything about archiving there.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Robert  E. Carneal
<> wrote:
> This is off topic, sorry.  I just visited the Legacy Facebook page, and
> there is a polite warning about Facebook archiving all groups created using
> the old groups format. They say when this group is archived, its wall posts,
> photos and discussion threads will move to the new groups format, and the
> new members will need to be re-added.  Could someone notify the rest of us
> of this upcoming change please? I am not sure whom at Millennia maintains
> the Facebook page.
> Thank you.
> Robert

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Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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