Thanks for that suggestion, Jerry. Unfortunately, the results are the
same. There seems to be some hard formatting in the RTF file that
doesn't make it easy.

On 8/30/2011 10:13 AM, Jerry wrote:
> Jerry, this might not have any bearing on this problem, but I'll throw
> it out just in case it does.  I also loved WordPerfect and I believe it
> was a superior product to Microsoft Word - sorry it didn't keep its
> prominent position.  But I would think about trying different formats.
> I believe that WordPerfect has a formatting option to create a document
> formatted as an MS Word document.  Anyway, I guess it wouldn't hurt to
> try saving in different formats, opening in different formats and see if
> you get the same results.
> Jerry -
> On 8/30/2011 12:19 PM, Gociao wrote:
>> Ron,
>> Ok, updated Legacy to and ran an RTF of an ancestor book
>> report. The result is the same. Word processor is WordPerfectX4. The
>> problems:
>>      1. The list of children is not indented the same as in the
>> "Screen/printer" view. RTF version: the first line (with the roman
>> numeral) is indented, but the rest of the lines are not indented and
>> each line must be manually indented to match the "screen/printer" view.
>>      2. When a new person is listed, e.g. "50. John Jones [RIN] was born..."
>> the first two or three words are printed on one line (and indented 4
>> spaces from the left margin) and the rest of the information (4 or 5
>> lines) is printed on the next lines. The only way to correct this
>> situation is to cut all the information and then paste it (the first
>> line then fills with the info from the lines below. (using the delete
>> and backspace keys has no affect on the formatting). The first line is
>> still indented 4 spaces from the left margin and I haven't figured out
>> how to correct that.
>>      3. In "Noted events in his life were:" the second line of information
>> does not line up under the first word of the event. This must be moved
>> using the space bar to the correct location.
>> The font is not affected; at times the font size is reduced from 12 to 8
>> and it seems to be random. Page breaks are ok.
>> The document is 124 pages in length and it would take hours to re-format it.
>> This is where I am and hopefully your expertise will help me correct the
>> situation.
>> Thank you.
>> Jerry
>> On 8/30/2011 12:34 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
>>> Jerry,
>>> You give insufficient information to identify your problem, but I would
>>> suggest that you first update to the current version as the one you are
>>> using is well past its sell by date. Then try again.
>>> Ron Ferguson
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gociao
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:13 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [LegacyUG] Reports in RTF
>>> Whenever I create a report, e.g. ancestor book report, in the RTF mode,
>>> the formatting is messed up big time and requires hours to put the
>>> report into the same format as when it's printed or viewed on the screen
>>> in the regular Legacy format. Is this the nature of the beast or is
>>> something messed up in the program? I'm running version 7.0.89.
>>> Thank you for your input.
>>> Jerry

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