-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Young
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:42 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Reports in RTF

On 8/31/2011 4:11 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Jerry,
> As I understand it, the difficulties arise from differing interpretations
> of
> rtf syntax. I am not well up on this, but I believe that there is no
> specification for this, and/or any specification is read differently by
> different compilers of the format.
> Bob, Libre Office is actually a version of OpenOffice. The sponsorships of
> OO.o have change several times, particularly in recent years, currently it
> is Oracle, and it would seem that both they, and previous workers on the
> project have continued with the work under a different title.
> Ron Ferguson
> http://www.fergys.co.uk/

Oracle has abandoned Open Office, turning it over to the Apache
Foundation.  Its future is still being considered.

The rich text format is a proprietary format developed and defined by
MS.  It is not surprising that WordPerfect, a bitter rival of Word,
would choose to alter its own implementation.  As has been stated both
Open Office and LibreOffice handle it much better.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree


I was obviously unaware of the change of ownership from Oracle to Apache
Foundation, as I have not visited there website for some time. I just tried
and see that is now like picking a needle from a haystack. I guess my next
move will be to Libre Office, if they continue the development.

Ron Ferguson

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