
You have not actually said which Legacy reports you are using, nevertheless
I cannot understand why you are copy/pasting rtf files.

I think *all* Legacy narrative reports have the option to save in the .rtf
format so their is no need to copy/paste, and I emphasise that you really do
need a word processor to make a decent fist of the job.

Ron Ferguson

From: elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:33 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Report for Family Reuion

My entire family is very, very interested in our family tree so I want the
book to be inclusive and understandable. They have shared their memories,
helped transcribe, helped with research and more. We all want to have a very
detailed book that can be enjoyed for generations to come. This is the
reason I am trying so hard to figure out a good way to do it.

I haven't found a way to do it in Legacy so I have been copying/pasting
information into a .rtf file but it doubles the 'handling' time of the
information (once to put it into Legacy for storage and then to copy/paste

Maybe someone can help me with the issue of 'how/where'  to add the
information about the branches of our tree that are not in our direct

Do I make separate chapters for each of those surnames? Do I add them as
'extra' chapters in the spot where that surname comes up in the book? Or is
it best to add them at the back of the book?....???

I'm really in a muddle about all of this and would appreciate ideas from
anyone who has produced a family tree as a book.


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