Why is Help so unhelpful!  I'm always frustrated by trying to find  a n y t h i 
n g  in Help.  When I do find an answer it starts somewhere after the 
beginning, so I don't know where to find it.

I just spent 15 mins looking for 'no children.'  A report said 'one daughter, 
no given name' because I had entered 'none' in red - the couple had no 
children. I searched for 'no children' needlessly.   (And another 15-30 mins to 
try to find how to show 'unknown gender.')

To illustrate my point, here's what I got when I searched - For ‘gender unknown’

    Under Index
Changing Gender
Swapping Husband and Wife
    Under Search
Add or Edit Event Definition
User-Defined GEDCOM Tags
Information Screen
Colors & Fonts
Customize – Colors
Custom GEDCOM Tags
 Does any of this have anything to do with 'gender unknown'?  I didn't look 
because it doesn't seem to.


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