Hi again,

Trying to understand exactly what the import has done.

Is your Master Source in Legacy just ------>  Census, 1900 CT?  And, is this 
consistent with the FTM equivalent of Master Source, or is your FTM master 
source at a lower level e.g. including county, township, district?

Is there any information in source detail at all, or is all of the detail in 
text and or comments?

I am trying to get at whether the information in Legacy is in the same spot as 
it would be if you were inputting it from scratch. I suspect not, as the 
information you are copying from the detail text to source detail seems like it 
should have been in source detail all along.

So, is the real issue (ignoring for now the cause) that Legacy ends up with 
what should be in source detail in the source detail text field.

Paul Gray

-----Original Message-----
From: gambol [mailto:gam...@juno.com]
Sent: February-12-12 1:55 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?

Paul and Ron, FTM v16 uses a straight forward two screen templet similar to 
Legacy's basic source approach.  V16 was discontinued in 2008 when Ancestry 
tried to invent the wheel, but there is little difference between the two 
programs when selecting an existing source or adding/creating a new source. 
From FTM v16 to Legacy this part works as it should. Both FTM and Legacy 
require knowledge of correct source format. When a source citation is entered 
from scratch, and not from a GEDCOM, the check boxes under the text and 
comments "add this text to the source citation" work and the source and 
citation information appear as they should in the printed reports.

Paul, your comment leads me to believe that Legacy does not automatically 
populate these text/comment boxes when importing a GEDCOM file. It could be 
that FTM does not keep the data in a correctly named GEDCOM field.
Interestingly, there were not GEDCOM errors noted.


On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 12:56:22 -0700 "Paul Gray" <grayp...@telus.net>
> I can't really comment on the data transfer between FTM and Legacy.
> But, if I understand you correctly, the missing information is on the
> edit source detail screen, under the text and/or comments tab.
> Have you checked, under the text and comments boxes, the "add this
> text to the source citation" boxes?
> Paul Gray
> From: Ron Ferguson [mailto:ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk]
> Sent: February-12-12 12:35 PM
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?
> Leonard,
> Am I correct in thinking that FTM16 has a template system for its
> sources similar to Legacy’s Source Writer? If so the problem is that a
> GEDCOM does not recognise the layout – it is the same with the Legacy
> version. I suspect that the best you can hope for is some sort of
> Basic Sourcing.
> Maybe there is someone who has transferred similar files who can
> advise you, but I cannot think of an easy way round the problem
> From: gambol
> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 5:29 PM
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?
> When I import a GEDCOM file from Family Tree Maker v16, the FTM source
> Citation Page and Citation Text fields do not property appear in the
> footnote/endnote when generating a Legacy v7.5 narrative report.
> In Legacy's Show List of Assigned Sources, the page and text
> information does appear under the Text/Comment tab and in the Source
> Detail Text and Detail Comments fields, but does not under the Output
> tab. The result is when viewing a narrative report, the
> footnote/endnote appears with only the Source List Name. The Detail
> Text information does not, which of course is needed to located the
> detail information within the source.
> An example of one of my  FTM file census citations: Census, 1900 CT,
> New Haven Co, Waterbury Township, District 418, p.8, date, state.
> In Legacy's narrative report only the source, Census, 1900 CT,
> appears.
> MY work-around is to copy the Detail Text to the Source Detail field
> on a source citation by source citation basis. This is acceptable for
> a small file, but not for my family file with 40,000 + individuals;
> each with an average of three source citations per person.  Is there
> an option I am missing, or is this an anomaly with FTM's GEDCOM file
> generation algorithm.
> Is there help?
> Leonard Middlebrooks
53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried 

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