
Firstly, let me say that I am just saying that this is the way in which I
record data, and not a recommendation that anyone should change the way in
which they work. I have not seen Geoff's webinar, but I know from the Sample
File that I do not work the same way as Geoff. I should perhaps add that
when deciding how I was going to store data my first consideration was how
the data would look on the web, reports were a second consideration. These
considerations led to me deciding not to have Census Events.

There have been a number of previous discussions on LUG as to whether a
census is an Event or a Source (please let's not debate it again - it's in
the archives), and I do admit that I tend to come down on the side of it
being a Source. Actually, I am mellowing as I get older, because at one time
I would have said it was definitely only a Source :-).

I do not record people who are not in any way related to my tree eg.
servants etc. except where there is a special reason, eg. if a son marries
the family's maid then I will put something in the Marriage Event . I am
conscious that some will say I can easily miss connections this way, and I
would not disagree, although I suspect that the number of times this happens
is very low. If I wanted to I could always add them as a comment to the
Source Detail - but I don't!

My Residence Event is not a replacement for a Census Event, it is a record
of where each person has lived and when; it can, therefore, include at
birth, at marriage, at army registration, in fact whenever a new location
crops up. Similarly I have Occupation Events where, again, I use the census
as a Source. In fact if any data on the census can be used as a Source for
any type of Event, then that is how I use it.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: Lea-Anne Davison
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:42 AM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
readable reports

Yes I do add as a Census Event.  I use the census source as a source
for name and approx date of birth. Correct me if I am wrong, you are
saying you have a residence event instead of an actual census event,
which the census is used as the source.  Are the names etc entered
into the source as per Geoff's webinar.  If so where are they entered
and does this then only show as one source at the end of the report

On 23 February 2012 10:35, Ron Ferguson <ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> Lea-Anne,
> Am I right in thinking that you have a Census Event? If so this is one of
> the reasons why I don't, and why I only use a census as a Source for eg.
> name, occupations, residences etc.
> Ron Ferguson
> http://www.fergys.co.uk/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lea-Anne Davison
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11 AM
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
> readable reports
> I too like to use the Descendants Book Report but it can be a bit long
> winded.  I have entered the census information for each family as per
> a webinar by Geoff Rasmussen but this results in pages of the same
> census information as each member of the family appears in the report.
> This results in a very long report of some repeated information.
> Any suggestions on how to condense this information, perhaps to appear
> only once at the end of each family.
> Lea-Anne
> On 23 February 2012 04:51, Marg Strong <tiny...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I'm so sorry I have to do this primitive cutting and pasting. I'll have
>> to
>> find some way to figure out why I'm not getting the responses in my email
>> program. I belonged to the group for few weeks and unsubscribed briefly.
>> It worked fine then.
>> >>From
>> Jenny M Benson
>> Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:45:33 -0800
>> On 22/02/2012 03:39, Marg Strong wrote:
>> > I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
>> > members who aren't interested in sources, etc.
>> I am about to do the same!
>> ...
>> What I intend to do is copy the people I want in the Report to a new
>> family file and then use my Sources and Events/Fact to construct a brief
>> info-history of each person in the General Notes field.  Then I will
>> print a Report (probably Descendant Narrative) just showing the
>> individuals and their Notes, not including any Events/Facts or Sources.
>> If necessary, I can take the Report into a wordprocessor and amend it,
>> but I don't think that will be necessary.<<
>> Jenny this is very helpful. Thank you!
>> >>>Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:46:38 -0800
>> Cathy-0
>> Peggy,
>> I use the Descendants Book Report (a.k.a. Modified Register Report) to do
>> this
>> and have given printed reports to family members which they can easily
>> read.
>> They seem to like it in this format.
>> However, to make it easy for them to read, I have placed all the
>> information
>> that I have researched into Events with detailed information in the notes
>> field
>> of the event.  All events and information has been sourced and when I
>> print the
>> Descendant Report, I place the sources as end notes.  By entering data as
>> events, it also makes it easy to review my data in a timeline.
>> And, of course, I include a name index at the end of the printed report
>> so
>> that
>> family members can easily find anyone of interest to them.
>> Have you looked at the Descendants Book report?  If not, take a look.
>> Cathy>>>
>> Cathy, I am so busy trying to enter information into Legacy, found on
>> ancestry.com (before my six months subscription runs out), plus making
>> extra notes and saving files, that I haven't had time to begin to explore
>> the features of Legacy.
>> Thank you so much for the suggestions. between you and Jenny, I will have
>> a good start after I finish entering the information.
>> Peggy
>>  >>>>From: Marg Strong
>>   To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>>   Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:39 PM
>>   Subject: [LegacyUG] Trying to enter information that will result in
>> readable
>> reports
>>   I am hoping to print out reports that will be uncomplicated for family
>> members who aren't interested in sources, etc. (But I want the sources
>> there;
>> perhaps as endnotes). Is the best way to put all the information in an
>> informal
>> way under notes where it will be in one place? If I put the information
>> in
>> the
>> census notes (under the "detail), it will be more difficult to be sure it
>> doesn't end up being repetitous. But it is often in the census that I
>> find
>> the
>> information I want to note. And Legacy reports will need to be edited for
>> the
>> family members I am concerned about.
>>   Is there a software program that I can enter my Legacy information
>> into,
>> that
>> works well with Legacy, and puts the reports into a more informal, book
>> type of
>> output? A story or history kind of book?
>>   Right now I'm entering a lot of information and it would be easier to
>> do
>> it
>> in the most helpful way for my purpose, than to go back and redo it all.
>>   Thank you if you can help,
>>   Peggy<<<<

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