
As I am sure you realise, your problem is that you abandoned the first
search in order to create a second. Should it not be possible for you to
untag the individuals already visited, as suggested by Chuck, then it is not
possible to do as you wish.

However, what I am less clear about is why you cannot just make a note of
the name you are up to when you leave it to do the second search, and on
return to this tagged list just go down to this name and start from there?

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Rolfe
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 4:45 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

Is there a way to create a search list and start using the list from
somewhere other than the first entry?

I have created a list of people who might be alive for the 1911 census
(Thanks census tool) by tagging on tag 1.  I spent some time researching
these folk and went about half way through.  Then I needed to create a
different search list and, when I had finished with that, I went back to
look at the 1911 census.  I recreated the list from the tags but can
only start at the beginning.  Even if I browse the list, double-click
the person I want to start with, deal with them, when I so a "find
next", it goes to the second person on the list.

At the moment I have to start at the beginning, "Find Next" through a
few hundred people to get where I want to be.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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