I know what you mean. London is a rather huge place. Part of Middlesex
IS outside London or at least was 50 years ago. I only know that because
I used to live there.

Well, it gets laborious. First you have to look at the date and then
figure out where the location was in which part of London and what it
was called at that time. I wish my relatives hadn't lived there.

Some days I'm more in a mood to be finicky than I am on other days. I'm
leaving London for a finnicky day.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 9/7/2012 9:12 PM, Pat Hickin wrote:
> Great idea, Elizabeth, thank you!!
> JLB,
> How do you handle it when you've got something like London, which I
> think is in more than one county?
> I've got some London, Middlesex County locations.  I think part of
> Middlesex is outside of London.
> Also, as in the US, I imagine some Middlesex County locations have a
> London address even though they're outside the corporate limits of London.
> Pat

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