For a daughter--yes
For a son--I would follow same as for a daughter as you listed
but remember everyone has a different way of filing and depends on the how you 
are developing the tree therefore there isn't a correct way of filing.  You do 
what is comfortable to you...if you have Legacy use it to help you remember.
you will get other ideas so remember to look at them and then morph from that 
for you own private filing system
I add a note in Legacy where I put the document in the place the information 
was applied...  example - birth certificate will place note in the note box of 
the birth, death certificate, obituary or funeral card note in the note box of 
the death, ect.
I also have an encyclopedia with every surname in the tree with a comment how 
that name entered the tree and details where to find the material for you see I 
have over 20,000 names and sometimes difficult to remember every relationship 
as my family arrived after the Indians signed the treaty giving up rights to 
the land, and the family is related to every pioneer family in the county by 
marriage or blood.

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 11:08:36 -0700
Subject: [LegacyUG] Paper filing question (by family)

I file my papers by family (I believe it's the system by Mills?), and have a 
question for those of you who do likewise.  I don't wish to change how I file 
the papers, because I do my research by family.
For a daughter, I have been filing all her papers for events prior to her 
marriage (e.g., her birth record) in her parent's folder.  Then I file all her 
papers for events after her marriage (including after her husband's death, 
where applicable) in her marriage folder.  I haven't run into a case in my 
lineage where the widow has remarried, but I would put her papers, beginning 
with that marriage record, in a new folder for the second marriage.
For a son, I had not been doing likewise... or at least I was not consistent.
  Most times, I put all his papers (including birth record) in his marriage 
folder, but discovered I had not done so on my current research project; I had 
filed the birth register in his parents' folder.
Further, for most collateral lines (which up until recently I have not been 
researching), I leave all the other children's papers in the parents' folder.
So, my question is this:  Where do YOU file the papers for life events prior to 
marriage?  In the parents' folder?  Or in their own folder?Follow-up questions: 
 Do you treat sons and daughters the same?  Do you treat grown, unmarried 
children the same?
Thanks in advance for your thoughtful replies,
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman 
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline
 Field Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes 
Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts 
Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

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