I clicked on one of those little pale arrows that has suddenly begun to appear beside every name in the children's lists on my Legacy family screens. That took me to a "Family Search" screen, which wanted me to log in. The login screen didn't like my familysearchindexing username and password so I attempted to register, t which point I was told to
Enter Your Membership Record Number and Confirmation Date. Now I haven't the *foggiest* notion of what they're talking about! I am told "*Your ward or branch clerk can provide this information for you*"! What "*ward or branch clerk"? Ward of what?? branch of what??* If Legacy is making some kind of major change like this should we not receive some sort of explanatory email?? Am I missing something? I find all this a bit annoying, to put it mildly. Pat Legacy User Group guidelines: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com/ Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com/ Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com). To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp