Legacy can't read your mind and doesn't know how you rename a file.
The lilnks to the files are stored in the database using the file name
and path as it is at the time you link it.

Legacy can, however, find pictures that have been *moved*.

If you change the file name through Picture Center, then the name is
changed in the database, but not if you change it outside of Legacy.

Sadly, you'll have to manually relink each file that has had a name change.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:46 PM, Paula Ryburn <paula.ryb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I have changed the names on a few files for one particular family, but some
> of them have been linked in several times, so this is getting tedious.
> I went in Customize > Locations > Test All Multimedia Paths and am testing
> locations... I chose not to create a list; rather, to have each one pop up
> to be corrected.
> I am choosing to "Browse for the File" myself, but the error pops up for
> EVERY file not found... *even after I have selected the renamed file.
> Isn't the system supposed to "know" that this is the new name and correct
> all paths to it?  Am I doing this incorrectly?
> Or does that only work if you renamed the folder?
> It's been so long since I've done this or seen a discussion on here that I
> have forgotten.
> Thanks,
> --Paula in Texas

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