On 04/10/2012 04:39, Chuck Schober wrote:
> I run the "Test Multomedia Paths" option and get a  "missing multimedia
> files" list.
> When I go to the person on the list, I can not find any request for the
> picture.
> Where am I going wrong?

Not sure what you mean by "any request for the picture".  Do you mean
you can't see where you added a picture to an Event/Source for that
person or you can't see where the picture is missing?

The list of missing files will tell you exactly where the missing
picture should be, eg "Picture: Individual Event: Source Detail: ....",
so if you go that Event or Source and look in the Picture Gallery or on
the Multimedia tab you should see a big blue question mark where the
missing image should be.

It's possible that there is an Event picture missing but you are going
direct to the Individual's Picture Gallery from the icon on their
Information screen and you don't have "All Pictures" selected.

Jenny M Benson

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