Are you backing up the tree to the thumb drive or is the file there a .fdb 
file?  If you are backing it up there, it is a .zip file and you can't open 
that directly from Legacy.  Legacy will only open .fdb files.

If, however, the file on your thumb drive is the database itself (.fdb file), 
then go to the General tab on Options->Customize menu.  In the 2nd block on the 
left is "Starting Family File".  This setting will determine which file is 
opened when you launch Legacy.


-----Original Message-----
From: MJ SA []
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy problems

I am so over this program!  I have set Legacy to open up with my family tree. 
Now I am spending the little time I have (I am disabled) trying to find where 
Legacy put my family tree.  Last night when I opened Legacy, my family tree 
opened automatically. this is happening too many times. How can I find my 
family tree, the one that opened last night when I opened Legacy?

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Mike Fry <> wrote:
> On 2012/11/22 19:03, MJ SA wrote:
>> Why is it every time I back up my family tree onto a thumb drive, the
>> next day when I open legacy, my family tree is not there?  This
>> happens all the time.   How do I find the family tree that I set to
>> open every time I open legacy.

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