It depends on the compression … that is, how much digital information is 
omitted from the original file to create a smaller digital file (the jpeg).


To the casual eye, the degradation will probably not be observable.  But when 
you magnify portions (such as to be able to read handwriting) the degradation 
becomes somewhat more apparent and problematic.

Subsequently, if you copy the jpeg, the degradation increases each time you 
make a copy or a jpeg copy.  Eventually, after a number of copies, details such 
as handwriting become more difficult to see.

All of this occurs because each jpeg omits visual data from the previous file.

From: []
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

Just how much does a JPG 'degrade' when you edit it? Isn't recommended that 
photo's in Legacy be in JPG format? Does just viewing them in Legacy, or any 
other app for that matter, degrade them?


---------- Original Message ----------
From: JLB <>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:56:12 -0800

And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

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