Here in Holland, where many people were only been known by givenname and
fathersname before 1811, there are two ways to handle this.
There are users who handle the patronym as a surname, others put the
givenname + fathersname in the givennamefield. Both have their positive
and negative points.
At least the dutch users are asking for many years for a separate field
for the patronym. But as you see, we are still waiting for it. Many
potential dutch users donot want to change to Legacy just because this


Op 19-1-2013 1:39, Brian Lehman schreef:
> Hello,
> I would appreciate suggestions on how to enter a patronymic name.
> My ancestors, being Jewish, didn't have last names in Europe until abt 1800.
> Before then, people went by their name and their fathers.
> Such as Moses Seligmann, born 1757, Germany, Seligmann being Moses father.
> Moses Seligmann signed documents as such, and in 1809, he and his family
> "Adopted" the surname Turkheimer,
> after that, documents were signed Moses Turkheimer.
> How should this name be entered in Legacy?
> On the individual information screen, If I enter Moses Seligmann (his
> birth name), it looks like every other middle name.
> I enter relevant info in notes and events.
> How do I properly enter Moses Seligmann, with no last name, and not
> looking like a middle name.
> Appreciate any and all suggestions.
> Take care,
> Brian
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