When nothing fits in other catagories

From: Sentz
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 2:16 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re[4]: [LegacyUG] Questions regarding Source Type

Thank you Gene and Russell.  Your explanations are very helpful.  So, when 
would one use a Generic designation?  Geoff Rasmussen used it in some of his 

------ Original Message ------
From: "R G Strong-genes" <rgstrongge...@gmail.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyusers.com
Sent: 2/15/2013 1:58:36 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LegacyUG] Questions regarding Source Type
  see my reply below each question.

  From: Sentz
  Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 1:24 PM
  To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
  Subject: Re[2]: [LegacyUG] Questions regarding Source Type

  Okay, I'll run the following up the flag pole again, since no one responded a 
while ago.

  How should one record the following in Legacy using the Source Writer. I was 
trying to understand how to classify types of documents/data and find the 
appropriate source type using the "What kind of source" data field.

  A child received "The Blessing of Little Children" rather than being 
Christened or baptized as an infant. The name of the child, parents, birthdate, 
church and date of blessing along with the names of the officiating ministers 
are recorded in a commemorative card/pamphlet that was given to the parents. 
Didn't see anything that was appropriate in the big list of source types.  
Would this be a generic source?

  I would use: Church records>Church brochures, newsletters, newspapers, 
etc>Basic Format> then fill out the form:
  Title: The Blessing of Little Children
  Record Type: Commemorative card/pamphlet
  fill out rest of form
  Text/Comments: whatever you want
  Repository: You
  Multimedia: scan of document

  The parents of a child received a certificate of birth from the hospital. 
This is supposedly a commemorative document and not considered the legal birth 
certificate from the state of residence. What type of document would this be 
considered? generic or birth record at the local/county level?

  Artifact>Privately held>fill in blanks
  Repository> you

  The newlyweds received a Certificate of Marriage from the officiating 
minister. Again, this is not a marriage license, but a commemorative 
document/pamphlet. It cites the names of those married, the location (city & 
state, not the church, although the name of the church is known), date of the 
ceremony, witnesses and the officiating minister. It is not known whether the 
church recorded the marriage in 1945. Again, is this considered a generic 
document? I did not see anything that looked like a match in the type of source 

  This would be an original Certificate of Marriage I would use:
  Marriage records>Frakturs>Basic format> fill in the blanks
  Repository: you

  What about the little funeral service card...would this be considered a 
funeral announcements, artifact-privately held? or would this also be 
considered generic?

  Funeral home records>Privately held>fill in blanks
  Repository: you

  Since I am in possession of all of the above, would they be considered part 
of my personal repository, or would they be assigned to the organization the 
issued the document?

  What would you like to know?

    From: Sentz
    Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:08 AM
    To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
    Subject: [LegacyUG] Questions regarding Source Type

    Is this the appropriate venue to ask questions about source types related 
to source writer input?  If not, please let me know who/what group should be 
contacted. Thank you.

    Russell G. Strong
    P. S. Check out Legacy Family Tree today! This full featured genealogy 
program can be downloaded FREE at
    Oh so many branches and not enough time to check out all the roots!!!.
    Check out my Genealogy Pages at http://www.rgstrong-genes.com .

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