AMEN to both comments.

I used FTM for a dozen years or so, and thought having to buy a new program 
every year was quite the racket. Legacy upgrades have been free for the past 
4-5 years. And the FTM overhaul in 2008 made it a totally different program 
that was a crime against genealogy. I bought 2008, 2009, 2010, maybe 2011, but 
gave up when none of them would produce genealogy reports that I could edit, 
and FTM customer service simply said it was good enough for everyone else.  I 
started using Legacy before that, but kept hoping FTM would get better. Don't 
care if it ever did since then, I'm hooked on Legacy now (as is the LEAVITT 
Family Assn genealogy team).

I had also tried RM5 and was horrified. Luckily I only switched a small gedcom 
and quickly transferred it to Legacy and deleted RM and threw it in the trash 
rather than give it to anyone.  All my "Notes" looked like they had been 
translated via OCR recognizing only letters instead of words, adding spaces in 
the middle of words and running other words together.

If you want to spend your whole life learning software instead of actually 
doing genealogy, I hear TMG is good but even its proponents confess to the 
steep learning curve.  I like to just DO IT without having to read directions 

Roland Rhoades

Maine Families Genealogist

2010: 30 Years as a Genealogist

From: Larry Lee []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Surprise during today's webinar

Not to mention how many genealogy programs have come and gone, and how many 
have been sold, merged and then dumped by a parent company.

Larry Lee

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Jackie King <> wrote:

There is another way of viewing this. A number of my genealogical friends have 
dropped several programs (notably FTM in the lead) because of their frequent 
updates - each one of them costing users. They've moved to Legacy because of 
its relative stability.

I'm more than pleased with Legacy. Yes, it might be nice for a major release a 
touch more often - but on  the flip side, I have yet to have the responsiveness 
of tech support etc. that I have with Legacy - and for free. Yes, we can ask 
for more frequent major upgrades - but are you willing to bear the cost?

Many of us find a yearly upgrade - and its associated fees - a bit much to 

I have my wish list - and with time I have seen Legacy address much of it. 
Having worked for a software company, I don't expect Legacy will ever address 
all my wishes - but it sure does better than most at trying.

Cheers -


On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Ronald Bernier <> 


Legacy 7.0 was released on May 1, 2008.  Legacy 7.5 was released on January 30, 
2010.  I respectfully disagree that Legacy 7.5 was a major update.  The biggest 
item added to Legacy 7.5 was the ability to connect to New Family Search.  It 
was more than a year after the release of 7.5 that some users were able to 
start connecting to New Family Search.  Granted, this issue was not something 
that Legacy had any control over, however, connecting to New Family Search is 
the primary reason that Millennia touted 7.5 as a “major update” when in fact 
it was anything but a major update.  Yes, Legacy has had interim updates – 
mostly to fix bugs, and they have added some new features, but then there isn’t 
a software in existence that doesn’t release interim bug fixes and minor new 
features during the lifespan of a version.

Bottom line, version 8 will be released when it is released – nevertheless, I 
think the folks at Legacy have lost a lot of ground due to the fact that it has 
been 5+ years since they have released a major version upgrade – unfortunately, 
Legacy has become very stale.  The one screenshot that was briefly shown 
yesterday doesn’t give me a lot of hope and/or confidence that Legacy 8 is 
going to gain any of the ground that they have lost.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:44 PM

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Surprise during today's webinar

I totally agree with Ward.  I well remember the clamor over the "hurried" 
introduction of 7.5.  There were several major bugs to contend with and it took 
what seemed like months to get the major issues ironed out.  In fact the LUG 
was a total disaster during the several weeks.  Actually 7.5 was a fairly major 
update to 7.0 and I don't think it's been 5+ years since that came out.

At the current time the only major benefit (that I can see) of RM over Legacy 
is the ability to sync with Family Search Family Tree.  Legacy would sync with 
New Family Search but that is going away at the end of the month.  I'm not sure 
where Legacy stands with FS Family Tree but that is a huge win for RM, 
especially if the user is LDS.  I believe that is what Arlene is referring to.

Certainly any new major release will include new bugs and will not be stable 
for awhile.  That is a fact of life working with software.  It doesn't matter 
if it's Millennia, Microsoft, Roots Magic or who.

Sent from Alto -


From: <> 
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Surprise during today's webinar

I think you are being a bit hard on Millennia. I have rarely used a product 
with such frequent updates for fixes and small enhancements, and such 
responsive and involved (LUG) customer support. Yes, we each have some pet 
issues that have not been addressed, but this is normal for a complex software 
product. (I have been on the other end of this process – there are never enough 
resources to deal with all the bugs and enhancement requests.)

I did not watch the webinar and I have no particular expectation for Legacy 8. 
In fact, I would prefer to see more refinements to Legacy 7 than have to deal 
with any sweeping changes. (And we have to pay for major releases.)

What is so special about RM or other competing products that suggests that 
Legacy has fallen behind? Even if a competing product has a particular feature 
that Legacy lacks, wouldn’t that product still have a typical list of defects 
and shortcomings as well? Will Legacy 8 leapfrog the competition in terms of 
features, and still be stable and not introduce any new defects?


From: Ronald Bernier <>

Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:24 PM


Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Surprise during today's webinar


It has been roughly 5 years since Legacy 7 was released. I don’t want to see 
Legacy 8 released before it is time, but frankly I think it is ridiculous that 
it has taken 5+ years between major releases. With Legacy’s track record, I 
wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it is the end of the year before Legacy 
8 is released. Quite frankly, I was totally disappointed with the “preview” 
that was shown today. It was not worth the time or effort to briefly show a 
screen shot that was not all that clear to begin with. Based on Geoff’s email 
to the list, I thought there would be more of a mini preview than one very 
brief screenshot.

Ron Bernier

From: Arlene []
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Surprise during today's webinar

I am disappointed that it may take as long as 'by the end of the year'. I have 
had to stop giving lesson at our center Legacy. I have loved this program and 
have been loyal for many many years - however, I may have to go to RM so I have 
a program that is worth its salt to encourage our patrons to use. Hopefully, 
Geoff will not keep us in the dark as to its release. Arlene in Utah

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