As one of those annoying people who prefer to hand-code
their web pages, the issue isn't as easy as Voss suggests.

The Defaults in "the program" are frequently displeasing to
users.  So options are needed.  For options to be useful,
the user has to know /exactly/ what each will do.  AND has
to want that *every* time in the document. [Do you actually
want an empty box when you don't have a photo to display?]

Consider too that inserting a photo frequently distorts the
page's visual appeal.  Inserting 5 photos with 5 lines of
data will become visually boring, the eye will elide from
one to the next; if you alternate left/right placement for
the photo, a fair share of readers will do the vertical
read, and then complain that the picture shows a
birth-baptism but the caption refers to a marriage.

If you really really want the picture with the event, insert
it by hand.  Otherwise, put all these into the photo album
and print it at the end of the individual's information, as
a separate page, for those readers who care.  IME most won't.


Wm Voss wrote:
> Really? Nonsense. The request has been made since I started beta testing
> in v2 and the excuse has always been exactly as Ron stated for ALL
> formats of web page generation. One would think a decade would be long
> enough to come up with some way to make the use of the vital event
> options useful in this context.
> Wm Voss
> On 10-Aug-13 7:39 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
>> Ron took the "we don't know where to put them" from the wrong context.
>> That statement was made several years ago by the programmer about the
>> narrative reports where the vital events are grouped into a single
>> paragraph. It would still apply to some formats of web pages (Ancestor
>> and Descendant). Pedigree web pages list the vital events as bullet
>> points so it may be possible to include pictures with the vital events.
>> The suggestion to include vital event pictures is recorded in our
>> enhancements project as is another suggestion to include source pictures
>> and, from a discussion recently, the option to not convert image files
>> to jpg. Since the programmers never give any indication of which
>> suggestions are being considered or being introduced I can give you no
>> further information.
>> Brian
>> Customer Support
>> Millennia Corporation

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