
   I am not sure that I understand what you were saying but it makes me want to 
add information and to try something.
   Maybe that is my problem.  My tree is basically a descendancy tree coming 
down from the 1650s to my grandchildren but I am the root person for the 
preferred line (none of my children or grandchildren are in bold type).  After 
I confirm that my third wife is the preferred spouse, I go away from that 
husband and wife screen under two scenarios.
   1) I go back to my great grandfather, etc., and then I click on
       my name which is one of the three bookmark names at the
       bottom of the screen.  I and my first wife are shown; this is
       not as I want it.
   2) I go back to my great grandfather, etc., and then I come
       back down through my grandfather, then to his daughter
       and then to me.  I and my third wife are shown; this is how
       I want it.
   Why don't the two methods end in the same result?

Howland Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay 1FamilyTree <1familytree....@gmail.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup <LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com>
Sent: Sat, Aug 17, 2013 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Preferred Spouse


I beg to differ
You said
"It bears no connection to what relationships are set in your file, as

suggested previously.  Its purpose is to determine which spouse will
appear next to the individual you navigate to."

If you use the "Set Preferred line"  that WILL change an ancestors spouse to 
preferred if it wasn't already.

And then if you navigate back to someone who is not a descendant of the couple 
to whom the preferred setting was changed, it will stay that way, until you 
manually change it back, or until you select a descendant of the original 
preferred couple and set preferred line.

Does that make sense?


On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Wendy Howard <wendy.how...@gmail.com> wrote:

The Preferred Spouse is set to the individual, the person whose spouses
you are looking at.

Click on the spouse icon (in Family View that's the single person of the
opposite sex at the left-hand end of the icons in the husband and wife
boxes) and another window will open up listing the spouses for that person.

One of the spouses listed will have an asterisk (*) in the P column -
that's the "preferred" spouse for this particular person.  By default it
is the first spouse attached to that person.

If there is more than one spouse, you can choose which spouse will be
the "preferred" one - that means that when you navigate to this person
(not the spouse), this is the spouse who will appear next to them.  It
has no bearing on which is the first spouse or how they will appear in
reports, that is determined using the Order arrows to sort them as you
wish them to appear.

It bears no connection to what relationships are set in your file, as
suggested previously.  Its purpose is to determine which spouse will
appear next to the individual you navigate to.

I don't know what the problem is that Howland isn't getting the result
he should be seeing.  Howland, I presume you've closed down Legacy and
rebooted your computer since this all started?  It's sounding to me like
you need to contact Support for this, if you haven't already.

Kind Regards,

David Abernathy said the following on 18/08/2013 12:33 p.m.:
> To whom is the setting “Preferred Spouse† set to?
> Thanks,
> David C Abernathy
> *From:*Kathy Thompson [mailto:kmthoms...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, August 17, 2013 5:02 PM
> *To:* LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Preferred Spouse
> Howland:
> Logically, yes - so why it's not working, I'm not sure.
> Hopefully someone more techy and Legacy knowledgable will have or find
> the answer for you
> Kathy
> On 18 August 2013 09:26, Howlanddavisii <howlanddavi...@aol.com
> <mailto:howlanddavi...@aol.com>> wrote:
> Kathy:
> Yes it makes sense.  But I am the root person for the direct line so
> that should mean that I can make decide which wife is the preferred,
> right?
> Howland Davis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kathy Thompson <kmthoms...@gmail.com <mailto:kmthoms...@gmail.com>>
> To: LegacyUserGroup <LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> <mailto:LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com>>
> Sent: Sat, Aug 17, 2013 6:56 pm
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Preferred Spouse
> Hi Howland,
> I'll try to explain a bit better but using one of my own blended
> families as an example
> Under Tools > Set Direct Line as Preferred ...... when I set myself as
> the root person for that, then I have my Dad & my Mum correctly
> showing for my Dad's marriage.
> However, if I was to use a child of one of my half-siblings from my
> dad's first marriage, and set them as the root person for the Tools >
> Set Direct Line as Preferred... then when I look at my father's Family
> view, it shows his first wife, not his preferred wife, because it is
> showing the direct line of the designated person.
> Hope that makes sense.
> Kathy
> On 18 August 2013 00:00, Howlanddavisii <howlanddavi...@aol.com
> <mailto:howlanddavi...@aol.com>> wrote:
>     Kathy:
>     It may be doing that; I don't know.  Would you explain further and
>     in more detail?
>     Howland Davis

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