"Should" is not working. My converted tree does have one individual's images 
that somehow are pointed to the right place, but it is the only one out of more 
than 600 that is. So I went into option 6.2, which is how I would have pointed 
the search for images in the right direction in Legacy 7.5, and that is when I 
discovered the radical change from 7.5 to 8 in this regard.

This is when everything came to a sudden halt, since as related in my original 
post I had no idea what the situation was and even less of an idea what I was 
supposed to do to set things right.

And that uncertainty still is the state as related in my response to the first 
message from support, which still left me with very significant questions about 
what exactly I should do here in order to keep my files on my K drive in their 
separate folders AND to share that K drive with other data folders that have 
media files which I do not want Legacy looking at. We are talking thousands of 
well organized Legacy media files in specific Legacy-related folders sharing a 
drive with hundreds of thousands of media files in folders that have nothing to 
do with Legacy and which Legacy should not even be thinking about looking at.

 From: Ed Carpenter <e...@lvcs.net>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Migrating Pictures etc from 7.5 Folder to 8 Media Folder

You should be able to keep your media files where they are.

If you convert your file from 7.5 to 8, the existing media paths should remain 
intact and still be linked.  There shouldn't be a need to re-link your media in 
this case.  You can still continue to link new media from any folder you desire.

I'm sorry if I have missed something in your original query.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Wesley Johnston <wwjohnsto...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I am still not clear what to do here.
>I see that the Option 6.2 is for those people willing to let Legacy manage 
>their media and store it all in a single location, which may be what I wind up 
>being forced to do, even though it will cause a great deal of immediate term 
>work and a lot more on-going management effort on my part  because everything 
>is lumped together in one enormous folder with no way other than file name and 
>file type to distinguish people pix from source pix from video clips from 
>location pix ...
>That is because the Media Relinker tool does not seem to have a granularity 
>finer than entire disk drive level. My K drive is not exclusively for my 
>Legacy files. So there are tens of thousands of other media files on the K 
>drive that I do not want include in the search by the Media Relinker. But 
>there seems to be no way to do that. Am I missing something about how to 
>configure the Media Relinker, or is it going to look at my entire K drive? The 
>notion that any media file on my computer or on a particular drive is fair 
>game for Legacy makes Legacy a very nasty neighbor.
>It looks like I am either being forced to either (a) dedicate my entire K 
>drive to Legacy by the Media Relinker looking only at the entire drive and not 
>at a specific designated folder and all of its sub-folders or (b) dump all my 
>files into a single Media folder, dealing with file name duplications in the 
>short term and a massive hodge-podge of files on an on-going basis for as long 
>as I use Legacy in the future.
>Are these really my only two choices?
>If those are really what I am being forced to do, then I will have to go with 
>B, ugly as it is.
>Whatever you were thinking when you convinced yourselves that this extremely 
>significant migration issue should be glossed over and not fully addressed in 
>your announcements and testing and advance online support considerations was a 
>self-delusion. It is one thing to create new features and ways of doing 
>things. It is another when you do not fully disclose and support the upgrade 
>from prior versions and leave so much work to your customers, work for which 
>there is no guidance already in place for such an obvious issue.

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