
Thank you for this sharing.

I am not in Support. Although I am a tester for Legacy, I am first and foremost a user, like yourself.

I do not know the particulars of most of the support issues unless they are elevated to the Test group for testing - or for testing a fix.

I have a personal mission to assure a Legacy Gedcom can recreate the Family family from whence it came, as much as possible.

I am under the impression that the original issue with SourceWriter sources and Gedcoms is based on the complexity of what the Gedcom structure would be to export them completely for the very limited expected use. As I said previously, the vast majority of the users will want a source that can be imported into another program.

Getting SW to Gedcom export correctly is on my personal list of Gedcom updates that I want to see happen.


At 01:03 PM 12/5/2013, Alan Pereira wrote:
I happened to be one person who had to resolve database nulls when linked to FamilySearch by using the gedcom export / import.  This was on version 7.5.
I still keep a reminder to the effect
"When creating an email source using Sourcewriter and subsequently exporting the file as a GEDCOM, the Title of the source gets dropped for the words which come after the _expression_ "[(E-ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE),]". The Title gets referred to as "ABBR" in the GEDCOM and is not imported as the source Title into any other software.
What's even worse, is that the ABBR field gets contacenated with the Comments field by some software, effectively making the source unintelligible."
To my knowledge, this still applies - maybe Sherry has an update on this?
Alan Pereira
From: John B. Lisle []
Sent: 05 December 2013 17:32
Subject: RE: Exporting Shared Events [WAS: Re: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events]

How do you plan to publish your research?

Knowing where you plan on ending up will guide you to how you use some of the new features of Legacy.

My principal publishing vehicle is to web publish with TNG. As TNG does not know anything about Legacy SW sources, I have never bothered to adopt them. That said, when Legacy exports a family file with SourceWriter sources to a Gedcom, the SW Source is exported, more or less, as a Basic source which can imported to TNG.

I am not using Shared Events until either Legacy extends its Gedcom export to export Shared events as regular events OR TNG supports Shared events and Legacy Gedcom of Shared events.

If you plan to publish to Legacy Web Pages or Legacy Reports, you will make different decisions as they support both SW and sources and Shared Events.

The tools you use are going to be based on the what you plan to do with your research.

SourceWriter sources are a reasonably safe bet, no matter what you do. As Sherry from Support has said, she has had fewer than a handful of cases in 10 years when a user needed to go to a Gedcom file to recover their data. And most of them were pre-Legacy 7. So Ward's concern is real, but the risk today is only that your sources are converted to Basic Sources.

Shared Events, on the other hand, are a work in progress. I really think they add a lot and would like to use them but until there is a way to get them into TNG, I have to defer.


At 11:43 AM 12/5/2013, William Boswell wrote:

I just started "converting" my basic citations over to SourceWriter.  Maybe I should keep them in basic if there's a problem exporting to a GEDCOM.  Thanks for letting me know before I got too far with it.
I haven't explored Shared Events yet so I guess I should wait on that too.
Bill Boswell
From: Ward Walker []
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 10:44 AM
Subject: Exporting Shared Events [WAS: Re: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events]
I agree, Gavin. To me, this is equivalent to the problem with SourceWriter source citations. I have long advocated that Legacy reformat these into readable detail citations during the process of converting them into Basic sources for the GEDCOM export. It seems that Millennia does not believe that a usable GEDCOM export is important.
Every proprietary new feature should have an option to be mashed into the primitive GEDCOM standard without loss of data.
From: Gavin Nicholson
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Shared vital Events
Thanks Kirsty,
Well I will be putting a change proposal in because it would be simple to export a copy of the events to each person. Yes it won't be shared anymore but that is far preferable to not existing at all. Essentially, with this as it is you can't use shared events and then give your data to anyone who doesnt use Legacy :-(
Thanks for making us aware of this one.

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