On 2013/12/06 01:56, Pierre Simoneau wrote:
> I'm testing Legacy v.8. I keep Legacy v.7.5 and I copy my rene.fdb in v.8.
> I customize v.8. The conversion seems good except for CUSTOMIZE below.
> Options > Customize
>> 3. Data Format 3.3, I check UPPERCASE ; 3.4, I check Show SURNAMES in 
>> uppercase letters
>> 8. View 8.9, I check Show the picture on each main person on the family and 
>> the pedigree view
> and I uncheck If the is no picture...
> 8.11, I uncheck
> When I do some changes in v.7.5, I copy my rene.fdb in v.8.
> Customization I mentioned above are no longer in force.
> I don't like these changes averytime I copy my rene.fdb

Options 8.9 and 8.11 have an (ff) against them. This means that they only apply
to the file you have open at the time. Doing changes in 7.5 and then copying the
file back into 8.0 will lose the customisations that you first applied to the
earlier copy of the family file.

The 3.3 and 3.4 options have (gbl) against them. They therefore apply to all
files. But you may need to press the Apply buttons to make the options have any
effect on an existing file.

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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