A couple of tips (or more ;-))

Decide where you want to keep the media you attach to Legacy and set this as your Default Media Folder - Options 6.2.
If you decide to use a number of sub-folders, set the parent folder to the Default Media Folder

If you use the Picture Centre, you need to move or copy your media to your Default folder(s) before you start attaching.

If you use the Media Gallery for each person, you'll be asked when attaching if you want to copy the media to the Default folder (or on the Advanced tab - to another folder of your choice - eg one of the sub-folders).

The Picture Centre remembers, at least in the short term, the caption etc you add to the photo.

If you want to attach the same photo to a number of different people with the Media Gallery you can copy and then paste. This also copys and pastes the caption etc.

The Media Galleries are easier to use. The Picture Centre is quicker if you are organised and have a lot of pics you want to attach in the one session. Note that it only handles Pictures and not other media types.

Re attaching a picture more than once to the same person - I wouldn't. And I'd hesitate to add it more than once to a nuclear family if it's the only pic for an event and therefore the preferred pic which will be included in reports - awfully repetitive.

Last tip - Legacy doesn't need large archive sized pics - I started off with "screen-sized" copies of my archived pics so they'd look good in a slider show - see View - Scrapbook if you don't know this feature of Legacy. The problem is that the screen now has a lot more pixels than it used to so I'm now adding pics a little larger but I haven't yet gone beyond 1024 pixels wide and probably won't. The file size gets too large for them all to be saved/backed up easily. I keep my attached media in Dropbox along with my Legacy backup files. I don't backup the media through the Legacy backup as its already backed up in Dropbox (and ontp external drives when I backup my computer).

Have Fun,

At 09:27 AM 10/12/2013, you wrote:
For those of you who have scads of media files attached within Legacy and have created wonderful reports and charts and websites, I have a few questions about how you manage your media files.  Not so much on your hard disk, but more within Legacy itself.  (Since moving to Legacy 8 I've been taking some time to get re-acquainted with some of the features. Picture Center wasn't something I paid much attention to previously, but now I thought I'd make a more concerted effort to attach my thousands of media files to their appropriate persons.)  So here are my questions:

(1) When you have an image that relates to more than one event, do you place the image in multiple places?  I.e., for a birth that also discusses the baptism... both places?  Or only one?  Or one in birth, and others in the sourcing details for both events? If you have the same photo in more than one event, and then have photos turned on in your report option, do you like the results you get?

(2) Do you ever have multiple copies of an image attached to a person for any reason, and if so, why?  Also, does it affect the way your reports and websites get generated?

(3) Are there any pros and cons to attaching group photos to more than one individual?

(4) Is there anything about the way you've attached media files in Legacy that you'd wish you'd done differently?

and, finally, (5) Is there any advice you would give to someone who's just starting out with attaching media?

Thanks, all!

Kirsty Haining
Seattle, Washington

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