On 17/12/2013 09:51, Mike Forryan wrote:
> I have some 1800 records in my Legacy 8. I need to search the whole
> database for specifics. For example I am sure from memory that there is
> information in the notes about a “Grange Farm” but I cannot find it.
> Is there a way to do a global search on all data with “Grange+Farm” as a
> search criteria?
> Any help would be appreciated

I'm a bit confused because your subject is "Search information in Notes"
and then you say "a global search on all data".  Do you mean that
"Grange Farm" might be within any of the 6 Notes fields?

Unfortunately, Legacy can only search on 3 criteria at a time so to
cover all the Notes fields you would need to Search twice.

There isn't a global Search which searches every field in the database.

Jenny M Benson

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