Anyone got an answer to charting putting the child with the "wrong" parent?

On 26 January 2014 19:21, Kathy Thompson <> wrote:

> I have a person named John who was raised by Janet, an older sibling of
> his mother Elizabeth, thus I have duplicate lines for charting.
> I have Show duplicates "off" thus putting "duplicated" in John's second
> box in Charting
> But the bulk of John's information and his descendants are associated with
> the parent who raised him (the older sibling), not the parent who birthed
> them (the younger sibling).
> This makes it look like Janet was his mother, when in fact Elizabeth was.
> I have assigned "Biological" and "Adopted" relationships for the different
> parent sets, and I have made sure that Elizabeth is the *selected parent,
> but Charting still puts the line of decent from Janet.
> How can I get charting to keep the biological lineage correct, and not
> move the child to the wrong place in the chart?
> Thanks

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