
We already display the name of the other spouse following the child's
name when showing half kids in family view. Isn't that enough to show
that the child is not biological to both the current parents? Or do you
mean where a child is adopted and is not the product of any previous
union of one of the parents?

If that is what you mean make a suggestion. Suggestions on this list are
seldom, if ever, translated into recorded suggestions in our
enhancements list.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

On 22 Feb 2014 6:56 PM, Ron Taylor wrote:
> Millennia...please make it optionally possible to display the Relationship to 
> Parent status.  Perhaps a symbol that would indicate that the child is not 
> biological from both parents of the marriage to distinguish from the children 
> that are.  Then, thinking even further ahead, make it possible to click on 
> that symbol to jump directly to the biological parents group sheet.
> Ron Taylor

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