Norma try these links.  You may want to go to Help>General Information and write
down your Cust. Num: before you  download/install the latest available version
7.50.278.  You might also need to backup all of your settings contained in the
.usr files.  Go to help and search for user files
On 3/14/2014 11:50 AM, Norma wrote:
> I tried as you suggested by running File Maintenance/Check repair and 
> immediately got an error 3022 message and wouldn't continue until I solved 
> error 3022.  When I go to the Legacy error board it tells me to update my 
> Legacy to the latest version (I am currently on  
> Instructions for doing this suggest I review guidelines at: 
> before downloading 
> onto Windows 7 PC.  But then when I click on this link I get an server error 
> message "404: file or directory not found"  Error 3022 seems to refer to an 
> issue in the marriage files so perhaps that is where my extra person is 
> hiding w/o his/her RIN but I have no idea how to find him/her.
> Any ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laird []
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 1:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals
> Norma, have you tried a File>File Maintenance>Check/Repair?
> Laird
> On 3/13/2014 9:50 PM, Norma wrote:
>> I do have the married names (but not the alternate names) option
>> ticked for the name list.  An individual  should have only one RIN
>> whether she never married or married multiple times.  The total number
>> of  individuals is derived from “general information’  under 
>> the help tab.
>> I have 3 other family files:  one is over 10,000 people, another over
>> 5000 and a very small one of only 56 people. I’ve checked all 3
>> files and the 2 largest do not correspond either, but people have been
>> merged & deleted in both files, so I’m not surprised.  The very
>> small file of 56 people is correct in that the total number of people 
>> corresponds to the largest RIN.
>> The file seems to be working correctly so maybe I’m obsessing over
>> nothing, but I’d still like to have the numbers correspond.
>> Norma H
>> *From:*Sherry/Support []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:50 PM
>> *To:*
>> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of
>> individuals
>> You can also see that information on the Legacy Home tab, which is a
>> lot quicker to get to!
>> You would only have more individuals than RINs if you're showing the
>> AKAs or married names....
>> Sincerely,
>> Sherry
>> Technical Support
>> Legacy Family Tree
>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Laird <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Norma, go to menu   "Help>General Information" and see if the "number of
>> Individuals" match the name list count.  And Like Cathy said make sure
>> ALTERNATE and MARRIED names are not ticked under the name list
>> OPTIONS.  My name list has
>> 18,767 individuals and Help>General Information matches.  I do have a
>> lot of unused RINs so my highest RIN is 18,843, 76 higher.  Of course
>> I have the reverse of you.
>> I don't see how you can have more people than RINs.  In the name list,
>> click the # button at the top left of window to sort the list and then
>> scroll down to the bottom of the list and verify the highest RIN is lower 
>> than the other counts.
>> Laird
>> On 3/12/2014 10:52 PM, Norma wrote:
>>> I have just noticed that my RIN numbers do not correspond to the
>>> number of individuals in my database.  In a new family file, I have
>>> 445 individuals, yet when I go to Name List and click on RIN, the
>>> highest RIN number is 444. How can there be more individuals than
>>> RIN numbers? And if one person is entered twice, yet has only one RIN, how 
>>> can I determine who that person is?
>>> I am using Legacy version 7.5.0012
>>> Norma H

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