It seems disaster may have been averted.  Thanks for the help to those
who kindly did.

I want to take a word to thank Legacy for the wonderful Webinars they
provide.  It is truly a fine service to make those available to watch.
They wouldn't have to do that for free, but they do.

OK, I have one more question on how to use Legacy.  It is basically the
same question and has the same problem I always face - perhaps just my
shorthcomings.  What I often need to know is:  Certain people in a
certain place.  Example:

All those with the surname Rippy in Washington County Indiana
All those who married someone with the surname Rippy in Washington
County Indiana

Of perhaps all those with the surname Wells who anything happen to them
in North Carolina.

I just need those in a separate chunk (I don't know if focus group or
tagged group.  My preference is a whole new file so I can work with it
as I research)

I can get the list of all those with the surname and their spouses. What
I cannot then do is narrow it to a particular county.  There is no
search factor of "any place in their data equals Washington County"  I
should have to go through birth place equals, or marriage place equals,
or death place equals, and so on.

Then I go to the "Master Location List."  I do not see how I can get
only the Rippys people there.  I have tagged Rippys and their spouses,
but cannot transfer that condition to the location list, and if I do,
cannot see how to print a listing of it.

Can't see why we can't have a parameter of "any location equals ???" in
the as a primary condition in the search.

I use Legacy as a research tool as opposed to a publishing tool. I
repeatedly face this problem in preparing my research plans.  I sure
would like to overcome it once and for all.  Help appreciated.



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