It's a Deluxe feature so you need to buy the upgrade.
If you go to the Report Options - Format tab - Event Narrative Format
button you'll get a pop-up saying so.

If you go to Edit or Add an Event to someone, you'll see that the button
to be able to view or edit the Event Sentence Definitions is missing in
the Standard version of Legacy.


> Cathy-0 <>
> Friday, 23 May 2014 10:44 PM
> O.K., I just downloaded the Standard version of Legacy v8 to my
> computer and opened a copy of my database.
> However, in both Individual web pages as well as Descendant Book
> reports, the sentence struction for all events is missing.  Instead of
> the normal sentence struction for a Census event such as the following:
> She appeared on the 1880 Federal census on 5 Jun 1880 in New York, New
> York, USA.¹
> I only see:  Census:  1880 Federal, 5 Jun 1880, New York, New York, USA.¹
> So, what happened to the sentence structure and how do I get it
> back?   I have already tried the Reset button but to no avail.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Many thanks!
> Cathy-0

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