I'm thinking of returning to Legacy after an 8-9 year absence and have
been looking at the Standard version (

1. The output that I use most, for keeping in my paper files, is Family
Group Sheets and Individual Reports, using a list or table type layout
rather than a narrative. For clarity, I like to see the dates neatly
lined up in a column, but this didn't seem to be possible. Have I missed
something? (I think I found an earlier thread relating to this so may
have found the answer, but I'd be grateful if someone could confirm it,

2. When producing a FGS for a couple with no children, I noticed that
there was nevertheless a subtitle for Children - but this was
overprinting one of the separator lines. Is this a known problem? (And
are there other similar glitches still to be ironed out in v.8?)

Thanks for any help on this,


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