While not exactly what you are describing, TMG has the following
features. (A TMG tag is the equivalent of Legacy's Event/Fact.) Legacy
also has timelines.

"A history tag differs from a regular event tag in that there are no
principals. This Tag Type is designed for events of a global, rather
than personal, nature. A person is a Witness on a History tag, and the
tag is displayed on the Person View of the individual who witnessed the
historical event. [...] History tags help you to see where the person
fits into an historical context." TMG Help system, "Data Entry: History"

"A timeline is a separate database of historical events. The Timeline
feature can be turned on to provide an aid in interpreting the events of
a person's life against a historical background." TMG Help system,
"Timeline Manager"


On 12/31/2015 11:09 PM, Steve Hayes wrote:
> On 31 Dec 2015 at 17:35, Sue wrote:
>> I just pulled up my TMG and you are correct, you need a person to add an
>> event. But what use is an event without the participants? Just wondering...
> Consider, for example, an event linke an eclipse of the moon. How do you
> decide which person to attach it to, as if it is more significant to that
> person than to any other?
> Or even an event like the opening of a new school (if you ware writing the
> history of the school). Do you attach the event to the principle donors
> (which one), the first principal, or who?
> An event-based program will attach persons to events, not events to persons.
> And I repeat, I'm not asking or expecting Legacy to do this, just hinting
> that Millennia might write such a program, as a complement to Legacy.


Barbara Levergood

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