Can we please limit the discussions to Legacy and Legacy Add-on
Programs, the purpose of this list??

Legacy works well with Families 2.0 for Android and iOS devices and
GedStar Pro and Family Bee are a competitors.


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Legacy Family Tree

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 4:20 AM, Ed Ladendorf <> wrote:
> GedStar Pro has recently become free of charge after being a program to
> purchase for quite a while. I just downloaded it, and haven't used it enough
> to pass along any review on it. But it looks promising. It seems to offer
> much more than some others. Do a google search for GedStar Pro, and you will
> be able to see screenshots to help you decide if it's worth trying. The
> price is right. Maybe some others can offer their opinions on it.
> On Saturday, January 23, 2016 1:36 AM, William Boswell <>
> wrote:
> There doesn't seem to be a trial version for Family Bee.  You have to pay
> the $10 to try it out.  Not good in my opinion since there's some complaints
> about importing GEDCOMs.
> Bill Boswell

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