Thanks.  I’ll install the latest update, then begin exploring your suggestions. 


Briefly, I apparently don’t know much about where my files are saved.  Checking 
Documents/Legacy Family Tree/ I do not find an fdb file, just copies of 
previous back-ups I’ve made to transfer to Dropbox.  I know, I know…I can set 
that up automatically…I am continually amazed at how much I don’t know.


I will check Legacy at Options—Customize 1.2


I think I’m okay with where Legacy Back-ups are being saved…it names the 
external hard drive.


I am using Norton Security for my backup system and it does the whole computer. 


Thank you.


Ginny Vocelli


From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Behalf Of Cathy Pinner
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 9:45 AM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Opening Legacy after June update: a difference in the 
way it comes up


Hi Virginia,

The current version of Legacy is

How much do you know about where your files are saved?

The default folder for data in Legacy 8 is Documents/Legacy Family Tree/Data 
but you can save it wherever you like.
However, you have to have this folder: Documents/Legacy Family Tree/ as it has 
a folder in it that keeps your settings - including which family file to open.

You set that in Legacy at Options - Customise 1.2

To see where your Legacy backups are being saved in Legacy go to File - Backup 
and it's on the screen underneath the button that says: Select Name and 
Location for Data Backup (and a similar one for the Media backup).

But I think you are talking about a backup system for your whole computer? I 
can't tell you how that works because I don't know what backup program you are 
Ask the person who set it up for you. I think someone else must have done it 
because if you'd done it yourself, you'd know.

Here's an article on going from one computer to another.
There are some others at that may be relevant.


Virginia Vocelli wrote:

Hello: I think this problem was addressed a few weeks ago. Sorry but I 
didn’t know I was going to need it.

Here’s the story: I agreed to the latest update in July ( to 
Legacy, turned off the computer, and on return from vacation, rather 
than my family file page coming up, I was asked to select a List of 
files. The best choice is to “Have Legacy Create a List” but that 
includes only one that directly relates to my family with .fdb 
extension and not samples. So, I have been finding that and entering 
data the usual way. How do I set Legacy so that file will come up 
every time? How do I know the daily back-up set for an external hard 
drive is finding the right file?

Second question: where are the instructions for installing Legacy and 
family files on a new computer, which I am going to get next month. I 
think I’ve read about them but don’t know where to look.

Thank you.

Ginny Vocelli


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