On 01-Sep-16 04:56 AM, Denise Moss-Fritch wrote:
FTM 2014 works fine with Win 10. I have that software on this laptop
(new hardware purchase), yet have an older laptop upgraded (Win 7 à8.1
à10)  with FTM 2014 and both work fine with the software. I even rebuilt
the OS for the older laptop, followed by installing FTM 2014, and that
went okay.

(Jenny M Benson) Which version of FTM was being installed? Please
remember that Ancestry sold FTM with support and any older install /
registration checks no longer active since those activities were with
companies no longer involved with FTM.

I don't know which version of FTM (but suspect it might be quite an old one) nor the exact nature of "won't work" as I wasn't there at the time. I believe she tried to open the existing installation and also tried to re-install from her original disks.

I believe my sister has contacted Michele, as suggested by Cathy (thanks!) and as I haven't heard from her since, I presume the matter is in hand.

Many thanks to all who responded.

Jenny M Benson


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