
Save yourself time.
If you'd clicked the Help button on the screen where you were, you would have found the information you need both briefly in the text on that Help page and more fully in "Text Formatting" which is linked to.

Those Help buttons take you to context sensitive Help for the screen you are on. I realise that many people haven't bothered to click them because they think they just go to the Help Index.


Sheri Culler wrote:

In the Events window, on the Notes tab, is an "X squared" character
called Superscript. What does this do? It is not found in either of my
legacy manuals, nor in the "help" section online.
I'm wondering if this adds unwanted text to my event notes, such as
font///par[[. I have deleted all this unwanted text out only to have
it reappear. What am I doing or not coing to cause this?

Monday, 19 December 2016 9:17 AM
In the Events window, on the Notes tab, is an "X squared" character called Superscript. What does this do? It is not found in either of my legacy manuals, nor in the "help" section online.
I'm wondering if this adds unwanted text to my event notes, such as font///par[[.  I have deleted all this unwanted text out only to have it reappear. What am I doing or not coing to cause this?


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