
It's a while since I tested Charting and don't recall seeing this earlier but it's certainly there now.

I've entered a bug report and marked it urgent.


Michael Feldman wrote:

Jenny, Cathy, et al

(grumble) So I upgraded to version 9. The free upgrade only applied if
I'd purchased version 8 after 11/25/16. I purchased 8 two weeks
earlier, on 11/10. I wrote Sales, which rejected my request for the
free upgrade. So I paid for version 9.

Ah, the wonders of software. Fix something (or add a feature), break
something else.

OK, the date-format option you mention below now works nicely.

HOWEVER, the version 8 suppress-invisible-people option does not
appear to work now in version 9. Checking that box when creating a
descendant chart seems to have no effect -- the "invisible" person is
still visible on the chart. This looks like a bug. Or have I missed

(grumble) At this point, except for that date-format option (which I
can live without), I was fine with version 8. So I seem to have wasted
time and money going to 9. Irritating.


Jenny M Benson wrote:

On 30/04/2017 06:05, Cathy Pinner wrote:

There's an option in Legacy Charting in version 9 to change Date
See Help and Options - Chart Options - Date Format tab.

This is not in Legacy 8 charting.

If you've only recently purchased Legacy 8 (since 25 Nov 2016) you are
eligible for a free upgrade to 9. If you didn't get the email, contact

Sorry, Mike (and anyone else who might have been confused). When I
gave these directions I should have said that I am now using Legacy 9
and didn't know if that option was available in earlier versions.


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