
Showing the marriage status on charts, both in Legacy Charting and on the
charts in Legacy, is something that's been requested for years. Sadly, this
request has been ignored.

Please go to the Legacy Home tab and in the Support section, click on the
link "Make a Suggestion".

Let's keep bugging them for this very important piece of data!!! Without
it, it looks like the people in our tree are a bunch of bigamists!!! <g>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Charley Foell <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 08:47:21 -0400

> Subject: Divorce in Legacy Charting
> I am doing a family tree for my wife's family reunion. Several have
> requested that divorce show on the Legacy chart.
> I don't see a means to do that.
> Thanks, Charley

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