Hi all,

I've just completed a set of descendant charts for a reunion of my mother's extended family. The event -- the first such in 50 years -- took place last Saturday in Philadelphia with splendid turnout, and everyone had a wonderful time.

Many in attendance were wowed by the 20-page booklet showing the 5 generations starting with my grandparents who arrived in the US in 1907. My mom was the youngest of their eight children. Using v8, I was able to control the chart content on each page by adjusting its starting point and number of generations displayed. This allowed me to produce a very attractive set of sub-family charts (one or a few pages for each of the eight). A number of my relatives made clear that this would be a tremendous resource for them and their kids.

I handled the divorce issue by inserting a little text box with "div" just above the double line that connects spouses. (See the "Insert" tab -- 3rd item in the chart menu.) Luckily there weren't too many of these. I also confirmed with divorced family members whether or not they wanted the "div" to be published in the chart. Some did, some didn't. I made a policy decision to prioritize family harmony over genealogical precision -- this was definitely the right choice for the circumstances.

I found the ability to hand-edit a chart -- move boxes to better fit them on a page, add text boxes, etc. -- to be a useful feature. I do wish the chart were better integrated with the database; as it is, even a slight change to a box's content (correct a typo or whatever) requires the chart to be regenerated from scratch, so any hand-editing is lost and must be re-done. I'd like to see a Legacy chart work more like one in a spreadsheet -- the chart is dynamically linked to its content so a change in the database is automagically reflected in the chart.

I'd also like to be able to specify that a date be displayed as year-only. In this era of privacy concerns, one's birth date has become an important identifier (especially in health care). I'd like to be able to flip a switch to suppress month and day, so as to show the approximate age of a relative without exposing their full birth date. Perhaps I'm missing something, but with v8, I found no way to do this except to physically delete month and day from their record in the database.

I'll put these in as suggestions. All in all, I was satisfied with Legacy as a vehicle for this. For now, my project is complete; we'll see what the future brings.

Michael Feldman
Portland, Oregon

Linda wrote:
Done --- suggestion entered! 

Linda York    In God I trust !   

On Friday, June 16, 2017 9:05 AM, Sherry <hot.rod.w...@gmail.com> wrote:


Showing the marriage status on charts, both in Legacy Charting and on the charts in Legacy, is something that's been requested for years. Sadly, this request has been ignored.

Please go to the Legacy Home tab and in the Support section, click on the link "Make a Suggestion".

Let's keep bugging them for this very important piece of data!!! Without it, it looks like the people in our tree are a bunch of bigamists!!! <g>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charley Foell <sard...@ymail.com>
To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 08:47:21 -0400
Subject: Divorce in Legacy Charting
I am doing a family tree for my wife's family reunion. Several have requested that divorce show on the Legacy chart.
I don't see a means to do that.

Thanks, Charley


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