Then send in a bug report, Gene, complete with your options and examples.


Gene Hutson wrote:

Well Cathy, looked into it further, checked all appropriate boxes,
figured I’d give

it the benefit of the doubt, I’m working away and it pops up, still
appears to

only recognize the name, the person it is questioning, has completely

parents, different bap/chr dates, and in this instance, date if off by
about 5 years.

Sent from Mail <> for
Windows 10

*From: *Ernie Anderson <>
*Sent: *Thursday, March 29, 2018 12:21 AM
*To: *Legacy User Group <>
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete

I have used RootsMagic merge with very good results. the first option
is mirror image merge, the other options are 1 year, two year and zero
and they are done in color, Green for exact merge, Yellow something is
missing and red for not alike.I find it much faster to use, with the
green I can manually merge as fast as they come up, I don't have to
check on dates or places or names which in Legacy really slows you
down. With the present problems in Legacy, I would much rather use RM
to merge my data than use Legacy.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 7:20 AM, Gene Hutson <
<>> wrote:


If you took it as criticism, I apologize, wasn’t meant that way,
more a nudge,

I have been using Legacy for roughly 18 years, going back to
version 4 or 5

and have NEVER been able to get it to recognize those dates.

Once again, my apologies, I will look further into it.


Sent from Mail <>
for Windows 10

*From: *Cathy Pinner <>
*Sent: *Tuesday, March 27, 2018 11:15 PM
*To: *Legacy User Group <>
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete


If the merge is not considering Christening Dates, it's because
you haven't checked in the Merge Options to have them considered.

So before criticising the merge further, learn how to use the
Options it has.

I know the Merge function isn't perfect and there are some known bugs.

But not being able to consider Christening/Baptism Dates isn't one
of them.


Gene Hutson wrote:

And further, the merge is not really fair in disregarding bap/chr

dates in the U.K. before 1837 are always baptism/christening dates, we

as genealogists strive for accuracy, but a true birthdate is often
hard to

come by, if you can find one at all, save for the family bible that
has been

stashed. Mandatory registration did not come into play like I
said, until

1837 in the U.K. and often times after 1900 here in the States.
Here in

Nebraska it was I believe 1912, so any date before that is a
bap/chr date.


Sent from Mail <> for
Windows 10

*From: *Ernie Anderson <
*Sent: *Monday, March 26, 2018 8:06 PM
*To: *Legacy User Group <
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete

Hi I run a merge on 156,000 names and got 1300 on autpmerge, and used
Intelli pass. Before I run the merge I checked file properties and
wrote down the number of names and got 156,468. After the merge I got
156,468 names. So what is the point of the merge if it does not do
merging. It still left me with 1300 names to merge manually.

Also when running the merge it locked up all my ram memory so I could
not use any of my other screens. The mouse was frozen.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 3:48 AM, Cathy Pinner <
< <>>> wrote:

This check for duplicates as you add is relatively new feature I
think added in Legacy 8. It's not meant to be a full blown merge
involving intellimerge or anything else. It's to help prevent you
from adding someone who is already entered.

If you don't want to do that and would prefer the fuller merge
from time to time, then turn it off. It's controlled from Options
- Customise 2.1


Gene Hutson wrote:

Thank you, I thought maybe perhaps this was a little more modern,

&n bsp; I’m used to the old days where if everything were exact it

Could pass directly into intellimerge, or intellipass, if not,
it came

back for more options, as this is now, without modification,
it seems

kinda silly to have just to pop up and get in the way.

But Thanx for trying.

&nb sp; Gene

Sent from Mail
<> for
Windows 10

*From: *Cathy Pinner <mailto:g <mailto:g>
< <>>>
*Sent: *Monday, March 26, 2018 2:44 AM
*To: *Legacy User Group
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete


That QuickDup search as you enter someone new has very few
though you can modify them. See Options Ribbon - QuickDup Options.

The full Merge options are more extensive.

& nbsp; Cathy

Gene Hutson wrote:

Thanx Cathy,

It does not appear to take into account birthdates either,

mainly name, it will bring up the exact name but totally different

birthdates, in my experience so far, as much as a 5 year gap.

Sent from Mail
<> for
Windows 10

*From: *Cathy Pinner <mailto:genea <mailto:genea> <mailto:genea
<mailto:genea>> <> <
; *Sent: *Sunday, March 25, 2018 8:45 PM
*To: *Legacy User Group
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete
< BR> Gene Hutson,

As a Legacy tester, I'll check this out further. If the merge were
initiated from Merge - Manual Merge it is usually followed by
suggestions of others that probably also need to be merged -
though it
does depend on your merge criteria. There are of course default
criteria but you can adjust them.

I'm not altogether surprised that it isn't doing this when merging
from the duplicate dialogue that pops up when you're entering
a new
person as I would expect the merged person to inherit all the
relationships of the person you merged into and that's my limited
experience. I rarely add a duplicate and when I do, I usually
back out
of that dialogue to do a wider check before using the Manual

I don't think any o f the merge criteria includes the marriage
of the person.


Gene Hutson wrote:

And as a further to earlier, it does not go far enough into
the merge

process by taking into account whether he/she was single and

never married, you can check the “never married” box and it will

still ask about duplicates, nor does it take into account
death dates.

Sent from Mail
<https: //
<>> for
Windows 10

*From: *Margaret Gagliardi <
< <>>>
*Sent: *Sunday, March 25, 2018 9:46 AM
*To: *Legacy User Group
*Subject: *Re: [LegacyUG] merge process incomplete

I have the same problem. And further, any notes that I have in
memorials are not merged. I ha ve given up on merging and do it all
manually and then deleting one of the memorials. It is reall y
frustrating to have to do it this way....


On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 9:39 PM, Gene Hutso n
< <>
< <>>
< <>
< <>>>>

Hello Group,

LONGtime Legacy user here, one thing I have noticed with 9

and I just had it happen again, it may find a duplicate and it

&n bsp; will ask you if this is the same person, if all info is
correct and

you go to merge the two, it doesn’t truly merge the 2, it may

or may not merge part way, give you one parent but not the

other, or give that person you just merged with 2 sets of parents,

one obviously the correct set then one set of unknowns.

In the case just now, it asked “is this the same person?”

I verify all info is correct, it merges and then the person you

were working with is now a ½ child to one of the parents,

makes it look as if the mother in this case had an unknown

marriage and now this child is the product of the mother

and the unknown father, whereas she should have been

connected to both parents.

Hoping t his is clear and concise enough to understand.



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for Windows 10


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